95 Beaverfork Road, Conway, Arkansas 70232

  • Children's Feet

    Children's feet are incredible structures, pivotal in their overall development. From those first wobbly steps to the boundless energy of childhood, understanding and caring for their feet is essential. In this in-depth guide, we explore the intricacies of children's feet, covering topics such as growth

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  • Children's Needs

    Children should eat a balanced diet, one that includes fruits and vegetables, breads and cereals, milk and dairy products, and meat, fish, and eggs. Minimize starchy foods, such as crackers, pasta, pretzels and potato chips. About calcium and children's bones Your child's intake of calcium and the long-lasting

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  • Chin Surgery

    Some people are dissatisfied with the appearance of their chin because it is not prominent enough and appears "weak," is too prominent, or is simply disproportionate to the rest of the face. Chin surgery offers an alternative for reshaping and balancing the chin. It is often coupled with nose surgery,

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  • Chipped, Cracked, and Worn Teeth

    Special thin laminates, called veneers, can often be used to correct discolored, worn down, cracked and chipped teeth. Veneers can also be used to close unsightly gaps between teeth. Stronger types of veneers made of porcelain, also called composite veneers, typically last longer because they are bonded

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  • Chiropractic Manipulation

    Overview Have you been experiencing chronic back pain? And have your other methods of treatment not yielding any improvements in your overall wellness? A chiropractic manipulation with us might be just what you need to get back to feeling better. Here’s what to know about chiropractic manipulation

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  • Chiropractic Principles

    When all of your body's inter-related systems, including your musculoskeletal, nervous and vascular systems are in balance and functioning properly, your body possesses a remarkable knack for healing itself. This state is called homeostasis. Stress, accidents, sports injuries, even overexertion, can

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  • Chiropractors and Chiropractic Care: An Overview

    Chiropractors diagnose and treat a broad range of physical conditions in patients with muscular, nervous, and skeletal problems, especially the spine. Chiropractors make use of conventional diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, and lab work, as well as specific procedures that involve manipulation

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  • Choosing Your Pet

    There are a variety of small animals that make great household pets. These little critters are engaging, quiet, relatively clean, and easy to handle. Many come from the Rodent order, which comprises 28 families and more than 2,000 species. Rodents can be found everywhere in the world except for Antarctica

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm