95 Beaverfork Road, Conway, Arkansas 70232

  • Football Injuries to the Foot & Ankle

    Football, a thrilling sport of strategy and physical prowess, places unique demands on the lower extremities. This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the complexities of football-related injuries to the foot and ankle. From common sprains to more intricate issues like fractures and overuse injuries,

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  • Forehead Wrinkles

    OVERVIEW Forehead wrinkles are often a sign of stress, unhappiness, and worry. They can also result from poor sleep habits or an underlying health condition such as allergies or high blood pressure. Whatever their cause, forehead wrinkles make you look older than you are. But there is good news: they're

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  • Forehead/Brow Lift

    Years of gravity and use can cause the eyebrows to droop or sag and frown lines to form on the forehead. These problems can be treated using forehead/brow lift surgery. This procedure is often coupled with a face lift and/or eyelid surgery to achieve a more youthful appearance. Procedure Forehead/brow

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  • Freiberg's Disease

    Freiberg's Disease, an uncommon condition affecting the metatarsal bones in the foot, can be a perplexing challenge for those experiencing its symptoms. In this comprehensive guide, we will navigate through the intricacies of Freiberg's Disease, shedding light on its causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods,

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  • Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia

    Frontal fibrosing alopecia is a relatively new hair loss condition that was first described in the 1990s. Though initially thought of as a rare condition, frontal fibrosing alopecia has become increasingly more common with the reported incidence increasing worldwide. The cause remains unknown. Classically,

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  • Frostbite

    Frostbite, a condition caused by exposure to extreme cold, can have severe consequences when it affects the foot. This comprehensive guide will explore the intricacies of frostbite to the foot, examining the causes, symptoms, preventive measures, and treatment options. Understanding the nuances of this

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  • Full Body Lift

    OVERVIEW A full body lift is a series of cosmetic procedures or surgeries that remove excess skin and fat that can remain on your body after massive weight loss. Changes to your diet and exercise can result in radical physical changes rather quickly; the resulting weight loss, however, does not include

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  • Functional Medicine

    Overview As a systems-based approach, functional medicine focuses on treating the underlying symptoms of disease. It focuses on the patient as a whole and takes into consideration the role that genetics, lifestyle, and the environment all have on an individual. Here’s what you need to know about functional

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